Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Happy New Year
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
PAL SHIPPING : Inefficiency at its best
Company name: everyone repeat after me please..PAL SHIPPING ‘International’ Ltd.
And last but not least the greatest website of all :
Monday, 1 December 2008
Saturday, 29 November 2008
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Week in a glance
2. Newsweek on Sarah Palin, "She beat Biden by not imploding.But governing requires knowledge, not mindless populism". Spot on. Something we have to ponder upon in choosing our leaders for the next election in Malaysia.Popularity alone does not prove a person's competency.
3. Minyak turun 15 sen!Thank you.
4. Great recession is looming ahead. Global share prices sharp fall is perceived as the epitome of 1929 Great Depression. Nevertheless politic arena seemed to take the center stage in Malaysia when global economy situation almost caused Iceland goes bankrupt. For the record, Iceland is the 4th most productive country with GDP around 50000 USD. That is the fact of Malaysia, her people more interested in loitering at 'kedai kopi' hoping to solve 'national issues'.What a productive way of living.Then they will get angry when somebody questioned their '30%'
5. Reminder to all overstayed Malaysians in UK to comeback before you are black listed or worse to be deported.New UK VISA regulations are to be enforced starting next year. My student visa expired yesterday but i am home since August. I would love to go back to UK probably to do Master's. We'll see.
6. Have a nice week ahead!
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
PM not contesting
Enough of rambling for today. Selamat berpuase enam kepada yang mahu berpuasa sempena bulan Syawal ni.
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
1 Syawal
1 Syawal 1429H
Sunday, 28 September 2008
On another thing, i am pretty much furious with the traffic jam at my place only to be worsen with the attitude of our drivers. Third class mentality is there regardless of the size of your car and education level. Qualification does not equal to WISDOM. I never respect somebody until he or she shows 'sign' of respect to others.
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Monday, 18 August 2008
Permatang Pauh
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Consolidating the fundamentals are the most important in everything we do. Same as chess, i was so anxious back then to try out new openings.Sicilian, Queen's Gambit, French, English you name it. I always remember a phrase in the book, "Look before you leap". Quite a life's lesson really as i read through the book.The result in the state tournament did not hinder me to enjoy chess after that. I rather play with a real person than a computer as interaction with human can be enjoyable as it can be. In secondary school i tried to get active in chess but motivation to get serious was almost next to nothing. For whatever reason, MSSM(Majlis Sukan Sukan Malaysia) had withdrew chess competition since 1998. I am not sure whether they have revived chess in MSSM now.I did go for few tournaments(4 actually).In college not so much, only once. After that chess remained in my closet never revealed itself until recently I bought Chessmaster 9000 for 3 pound. Bargain. Playing with computer is no fun. Awkwardly silent. Staring at the screen for ages to wait for his move would make myself sleepy.Staying focused even for 15 minutes on a task is a tough job when using a computer with INTERNET. Youtube, Emails, YM, News and Blogs are the escapism when a human has no job and commitment. Speaking of chess, it is a mind game which simulates a battle. One has to know when to sacrifice, set decoys, to arrange defence, to plan an attack and of course to predict opponent's moves. Sometimes, subconsciously chess is influential in decision making. Predicting 2-3 steps further, knowing your strong points and sacrificing for long term advantage are the aspects similar to chess game.
One interesting aspect of chess is how mind game is played which overwhelmed the technical aspects of chess. I am fascinated by diversion tactic when you are under attacked.Lets say you are attacked on the right flank, a good chess player will try to defend and try his best to counter at the left flank or centre. This creates diversion hoping to divert his opponent's attention . Speaking of diversion, politicians are good at this. Attacking at every corner you can imagine but one with strong defence and tactic will prevail.
Current polemic as in the news is 'middle-game'. The end game must be interesting as game of diversion is being played. As far as the polemic is concerned, I would predict one with technical evidences would win but it still can end up in stalemate.A stalemate when cry for injustices can be heard everywhere in the country. Because that guy is a 'saint'. I beg to differ!
Playing chess is living your life.Because life is full of tricks and decoys.
'Look before you leap'

Friday, 18 July 2008
Anwar vs Shabery
Daydreaming would make Johnny a lazy guy

Friday, 11 July 2008
More or less people were making loads of money on that day. The robe and the hood hire was perplexing 32 pounds. In retrospective, money actually can buy happiness. Of course money cannot buy happiness per se but it will lead us to happiness if we are grateful. In other words, live by our means. 'Make things happen' was the phrase by Lord Patten in his speech during the ceremony. It is quite meaningful and simple to comprehend. People seem to concern more on how to make things happen rather than make it happen. As a whole the graduation day is the ultimate day for every student in uni. No more lectures after this.Hopefully. No exam for a long period. Professional exam would not happen within two years I suppose. As one friend said, 'DONE AND DUSTED'.One another note, Diyana was dying to come here but all she could was wishing me all the best which I appreciated ever so much.
Nik Mohamad Haniff Hanafi
BSc (Hons) Surveying and Mapping
Newcastle '08

Wednesday, 2 July 2008
All praises due to God for the 2:1 result in my degree. Come to think of it, sacrifices of many things have been repaid. The value of the sacrifices though nothing compared to other people's sufferings. I may have to endure living far away from home but i am still able to sleep in quite warm and comfy room. I may have to live on scholarship but i am still able to shop for many unnecessary things. Sometimes we are too much into trivial problems when we should be thankful of where we are now. Gratitude is one word for us to hold on. Alhamdulilah. May the future will bring happiness and prosperity to all of us.
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Oil hike
The ever increasing oil price is potentially the biggest factor for a reigning government to collapse. This prediction is solely based upon people's response from many places around this globe, particularly from 3rd world countries such as
We live in capitalist world. Every property is owned either individuals or corporations. The economy is largely decided by market forces namely demand and supply. Demand and supply are two words representing only one entity. They must co-exist without a doubt otherwise there is no such thing as 'market'. As far as oil is concerned, many factors have led its price to soar. Firstly the increase of world demand particular from developing nations such as
The price is inevitably going to increase. That is the fact. The trend of course in economics term is going to stop when it reaches equilibrium. In other words supply = demand. When? Only god knows. Many countries have badly affected including our beloved
The government has no absolute control of economy because part of it is controlled by private sectors . We never had been an empire like British who obtained the wealth from its colonies. We improvised what was left. Thanks for nothing to Brits. I would say we progress through well structured debt. That is good practice of economy as if you are taking loan to do a business and payback with the yields. We never had enough cash. We paid the purchase of Su-30 MkM by partly using palm oils. Not cool eh?. That is the fact. Developments do not portray the cash that government has but to show good practice of economy.To portray good cashflow in the economy. Though all is not perfect but at least we never went down beyond repair. Therefore, what do you expect when 1/3 of GNP is used to subsidize the oil. Emphatically, it is very burdening for some people. I still think there are better options to tackle the oil price hike. Peace demonstration is fine with me but how far you could go with it. Yes it is noble to fight for the people but how it can be so noble when it is all political motivated. Not quite my friend.
We walk with crutches is quite the same meaning with we live with subsidy. Yes it is the responsibility of a government to pacify its people. But the disadvantage is that it creates a comfort zone. People tend to be dependent and blaming others for their shortcomings. Face the fact that sooner or later price of everything will go up. Rather than find ways bashing others for no good reasons lets find ways how to survive in looming global recession and inflation. If we are independent financially, i do not think it bothers us much who is in control of the government. Stop moaning and let us be prepared for unpredictable local and global economy. Besides let us be clear about the purpose of living as well. It seems to me we concern much on the financial loss and gain but very little attention on how much knowledge can we obtain in our life. It is good to know and it feels good to be knowledgeable. Accusations, allegations and rumours are at their best now. Knowledge is power enough to parry negative inputs and to sieve unwanted elements. Seek knowledge. Educate ourselves.
Jabir Ibn ‘Abd Allah narrated, the Messenger of Allah (SAAW) said:
“People are of different substances, the best of them in the Jahiliyah (A
state of ignorance), are the best in Islam, if they gain ‘ilm (knowledge).”
(Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
Saturday, 31 May 2008
Another chapter
This has been on the wall for nearly 2 years. How long am i going to be ignorance?I dont know. Maybe until success is sure=P. Omit the I Love You because it is the separate entity.
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
The quote above is quite true as we look at the current political situation in Malaysia.INSANITY.
On another note,
This picture reminds me of someone who really wants to go to Disneyland. Hold on there. We will make it together.

Saturday, 17 May 2008
The beginning is nearing

Thursday, 8 May 2008
Don't Quit
When things go wrong as they sometimes will;
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill;
When the funds are low, and the debts are high;
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh;
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you can never tell how close you are;
It may be near when it seems afar.
So, stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -
It's when things go wrong that you mustn't quit.
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Sunday, 4 May 2008
Friday prayer
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Trip to Stockholm, Sweden
I think i need to post something on this blog.I have been preoccupied with many things lately so this post is just an effort to keep this blog going.
Reminiscing can be soothing sometimes.Looking back in time when the good and the bad were just part of life. An assurance to yourself that current problems are not as bad as the past and happiness is even greater than ever.So for the start, i would like to share a few pics from a trip to Stockholm in 2005.
I really cannot remember the exact date of the trip but I do remember the year. It was in 2006 right after my summer exam. This trip was organised by budak
Thursday, 3 April 2008
Muslim nowadays has become one entity to be reckoned with. But the attention and concern is all not in goodwill but brimming with fear and hatred. The incidents for the past 10 years and so have created new political terrains in many countries particularly in those significantly affected countries like the USA, UK and Spain. The sentiments of anti-Islam are so conspicuous yet sometimes they exist in subtle way for us to grasp. On the other side of the world, the Muslims are calling for unity to fight evils (understandably the USA and allies). The message of hatred is prevalent in the religion overwhelming the message of peace, prosperity and unity. The religion is itself has become the platform for inciting hatred and even advocating inconceivable deeds so long it is in the name of GOD.
As a Muslim myself, I think we have gone downhill since the collapse of the last Islamic Empire in Spain. It is all down to our mistake not being able to learn from the past of how Islam had spread all over the world and how it had failed to sustain. I believe that our intention is not collective as the past which set us in different league from them. The spread of Islam is first and foremost to spread peace and to guide people to the right path. However, the amount time spent for akhirat(hereafter) rewards did not hinder them to reach the peak of civilization. The invention of many things would lead us to think that there would be no renaissance in Europe if it was not for Muslim empire in Spain. The chemistry, astronomy, mathematic, physics, architectures and many more prospered and cherished in their time. Many intellectuals like Ibnu Rushd(Aveross), Al-Biruni, Al-Battani(Albatenius), Al-khwarizmi, Jabir Ibnu Hayyan (Geber) were born and became the pioneer in their fields. Do we still not see how this religion can inspire human beings to achieve victory in the world and hereafter? I think, many of us would see this but unable to put this into practice. All we see is the jihad without knowing the essence of it.
The misconception of Jihad is inundating in the Muslim world. The first thing that would strike us probably is that jihad is to pick up our weapon and fight the tyranny and evilness. This notion then leads us to unnecessary hatred and blind judgement to other people. The spirit of Jihad is undeniable the source of strength when the Muslims can be brought together to work for common goals. Though I can explain what actually jihad is but I stand corrected for maybe I am deviating a bit from the general consensus of many of us. The jihad itself is derived from Arabic meaning “struggle” and “strive”. The call for jihad is heard almost in every Muslim walk of life since the birth of the religion. Unfortunately, it is used to justify the killing of innocent people. The event such as New York 9/11, London 7/7 and Madrid bombing would not help us in the slightest to regain our strength and reputation. Yes, it is true that our brothers and sisters have been oppressed in many regions but aggression is not the main answer to all these tests from God. Islam forbids any aggression let alone killing a helpless innocent people.
"Fight in the way of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! God loves not aggressors." (2:190).
This verse is the proof that aggression is never inculcated in this religion and even at war, Muslims soldiers has to follow strict codes and ethics.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "Do not kill women or children or non-combatants and do not kill old people or religious people (referring to people in any religion). Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees and do not poison the wells of your enemies."
This is enough for us to believe this religion is always searching for peacefulness all along. However, the damages had been done and it is our turn to win the confidence of the people towards Islam. This could be done by doing ‘jihad’. One of my religious teacher said everything is jihad as long as you are doing it for the sake of the religion. That is the JIHAD we are looking for and should be held high in our life. The jihad to improve our standard of living, to gain higher education, to improve our economy and to find cure for diseases are the ‘struggle’ that we can do for the sake of the religion. It may sound worldly to some but ultimately the Muslims would prosper and become advance in many aspects be it military or even farming. This is the idealism that we should ‘strive’ for rather than getting carried away emotionally. Let us be calm and let the Quran and Hadith be our guidance. Sometimes, it is hard for us to bear the negative portrayal of the Muslims in media but patient is the key to become a true Muslim. I may not at all a pious person but I love this religion as I always have the feeling that I am going to be safe in this world and hereafter with this peaceful religion.
I do not need to go far from my country to show the effect of disunity among Muslims. The existence of political parties disbanded the Muslims into a few different groups. Then slandering is thriving in the community. Even at times people cannot congregate to pray for having different views. Some may dub themselves as last line of defence of Islam but who they are defending against ironically are the Muslims as well. Amid confusion to find the righteous, I do respect for those who are sincere in their struggle to put Islam above anything else. However, the ‘struggle’ will not succeed if we still view the religion in a small picture. Indeed the religion is syumul or complete that covers all aspects of life. If we regard this in our endeavour maybe another rise of Islam is no more a dream.
In short, this piece of writing reflects my view on jihad and its misconception. It is my intention to remind myself about the importance of unity and patient in our life. We have to work hard because this beautiful religion is always misunderstood. This reminded me of a lecture that I did not attend, Islam: The Misunderstood Religion.
Jihad = struggle = strive
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
PRU 12
In my perspective, the inequality remains a great issue in this country to say the least.The impact of inequality is colossal in term of winning the hearts and minds of the people. With all mega projects, the government aspires to see more employments, increase in FDI and ultimately to boost the economy of the country. To certain extent, this approach is no longer relevant when poverty is still in existence in this country. It is now the time when the government has to start to eradicate poverty completely in this country. Although it may sound ideal but this is what we should strive for in many years to come.
Standard of living most of the times reflects the standard of education of a family. With this notion in mind, by reducing poverty we could create more educated people in this country. Living in poverty would reduce the chances to get better education as tuition fees and books would cost a fortune for them. At the end of the day, they are trapped in the vicious circle. Son of a hawker would be forever a hawker. Not to condescend anybody but this is what we have to admit and address before we can be proud of the tallest tower,the longest bridge and what not. On another note, an educated person is not easily susceptible to baseless statements and tasteless slandering. Therefore, everybody has to work hard to win people's confidence and of course their votes. Now the democracy is at its best in Malaysia.It is a hard work and it should be that way all the time. Hopefully Malaysia will be a better country in next five years.