7th July of 2008 was the most cherished day for 05/08 Geomatic students. It was our graduation day.The results came out last week but all is not complete without proper graduation ceremony. The eventful procession was done by one hour.Nothing fancy only shake hands and one thoughtful speech by the Uni Chancellor, Lord Patten. That day was overcast with drizzle intermittently. Nothing much to expect from British weather. Even summer would not help much. Arrived at uni at circa 11.00 with friends Boy and Am. I wish my family was here but the timing was wrong. They already went back last week. Had this graduation a week earlier , i'll be celebrating with my very own family as everybody would wish for. Nonetheless, they had been here to celebrate my degree result which came out on 23rd June. Fair enough. This historic event is not enough to be captured in mind. Definitely somebody needs to capture my pictures with the robe and the hood on. As the question goes 'What are friends for?'. My answer was to capture my pictures on my graduation day. Indeed they were great.This compliment only valid on that day!. The two friends armed with two digital compact relentlessly snapping pictures around. Besides , there were also professional photographers waiting to rip off your money. I finally succumbed to the temptation of having official photographs by those professionals. I spent almost 40 pounds for official photos. Plus another 40 the day after for official t-shirts and tie. Unwittingly bought silk tie.
More or less people were making loads of money on that day. The robe and the hood hire was perplexing 32 pounds. In retrospective, money actually can buy happiness. Of course money cannot buy happiness per se but it will lead us to happiness if we are grateful. In other words, live by our means. 'Make things happen' was the phrase by Lord Patten in his speech during the ceremony. It is quite meaningful and simple to comprehend. People seem to concern more on how to make things happen rather than make it happen. As a whole the graduation day is the ultimate day for every student in uni. No more lectures after this.Hopefully. No exam for a long period. Professional exam would not happen within two years I suppose. As one friend said, 'DONE AND DUSTED'.One another note, Diyana was dying to come here but all she could was wishing me all the best which I appreciated ever so much.
Nik Mohamad Haniff Hanafi
BSc (Hons) Surveying and Mapping
Newcastle '08

ni mesti dakna yg tulis comment kat bwh..isk2..
mg dh grad dh..? ak X tau pn! Congratz! Loni dok kt mana? Pasir Mas tercinta ke? Berkhidmat kt WiraUkur ke? ke kt mana? hehe.
nnt, klu ada apa2 cite, btau ak kt comment friendster-'Excited Fred'-
mg ada YM X? add la ak:
ok, babaiii!
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