All praises due to God for the 2:1 result in my degree. Come to think of it, sacrifices of many things have been repaid. The value of the sacrifices though nothing compared to other people's sufferings. I may have to endure living far away from home but i am still able to sleep in quite warm and comfy room. I may have to live on scholarship but i am still able to shop for many unnecessary things. Sometimes we are too much into trivial problems when we should be thankful of where we are now. Gratitude is one word for us to hold on. Alhamdulilah. May the future will bring happiness and prosperity to all of us.
Michelin Primacy 5 in Malaysia – claimed longer wear mileage, better wet
braking, lower rolling resistance
Michelin has launched the Primacy 5 tyre for the Malaysian market,
succeeding the Primacy 4 and in comparison with rival premium brands,
brings up to 24%...
10 hours ago
congrates dear..i'm so happy for u (^_^)
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