Happy New Year and best wishes for 2009. On another note i would like to express my deepest sympathy to suffering people in Gaza. As one little human being who has conscience, I could not comprehend how the killing of 390 lives including women and children justifies the rocket attacks which as far as I am concerned only killed 4 people after recent ceasefire ended. But still if you read Have Your Say in BBC, people only blaming the Hamas deviating from the real issue here which is the killing of innocent lives. Lacking of historical knowledge about the conflict for that tiny peace of land is overwhelmed among of the westerners. The notion is always that Palestinians are the troublemakers or the terrorists. What about the occupation, oppression and subjugation in their own lands. To them Hamas is the freedom fighter and perceived as terrorist by the West. War for Jerusalem so called Holy Land happened around 1 thousand years ago in the time of Saladin vs. Richard the Lionheart and it still happens today only in different storyline. Maybe we have to wait for another Saladin before peace can be restored. Only time can heal the problem there.
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