Tuesday, 29 July 2008


It is originated from Indian and Persian. Not sure which one is first. When we say chess, most people would think of Kasparov. The man who had illustrated the chess world in 80's and 90's with his invincibility. I started to play chess when I was 10 as far as i could remember. However not until 11 before i took up chess as a serious hobby. All because of one book 'Chess for Beginners'. By then i realized chess was more technical and artistic in some way. The book was quite simple to comprehend especially for a 11 years old boy. The only book i relied to win a 3rd place in a district tournament. This won me a ticket to state level tournament.Came out at 21st place.In this tournament i saw somebody who is now International Master and current national no 1 in chess. He was walking in the park rather than playing chess. He is IM Mas Hafizul Hilmi. He has a great potential to be the first Malaysian Grandmaster. But i dont know when. Soon after the tournament i realized that i was too occupied with Chessmaster 5000 game prior to the tournament hoping that i could trained myself with computer. Ignoring the book that inspired me to play chess was a mistake.

Consolidating the fundamentals are the most important in everything we do. Same as chess, i was so anxious back then to try out new openings.Sicilian, Queen's Gambit, French, English you name it. I always remember a phrase in the book, "Look before you leap". Quite a life's lesson really as i read through the book.The result in the state tournament did not hinder me to enjoy chess after that. I rather play with a real person than a computer as interaction with human can be enjoyable as it can be. In secondary school i tried to get active in chess but motivation to get serious was almost next to nothing. For whatever reason, MSSM(Majlis Sukan Sukan Malaysia) had withdrew chess competition since 1998. I am not sure whether they have revived chess in MSSM now.I did go for few tournaments(4 actually).In college not so much, only once. After that chess remained in my closet never revealed itself until recently I bought Chessmaster 9000 for 3 pound. Bargain. Playing with computer is no fun. Awkwardly silent. Staring at the screen for ages to wait for his move would make myself sleepy.Staying focused even for 15 minutes on a task is a tough job when using a computer with INTERNET. Youtube, Emails, YM, News and Blogs are the escapism when a human has no job and commitment. Speaking of chess, it is a mind game which simulates a battle. One has to know when to sacrifice, set decoys, to arrange defence, to plan an attack and of course to predict opponent's moves. Sometimes, subconsciously chess is influential in decision making. Predicting 2-3 steps further, knowing your strong points and sacrificing for long term advantage are the aspects similar to chess game.

One interesting aspect of chess is how mind game is played which overwhelmed the technical aspects of chess. I am fascinated by diversion tactic when you are under attacked.Lets say you are attacked on the right flank, a good chess player will try to defend and try his best to counter at the left flank or centre. This creates diversion hoping to divert his opponent's attention . Speaking of diversion, politicians are good at this. Attacking at every corner you can imagine but one with strong defence and tactic will prevail.

Current polemic as in the news is 'middle-game'. The end game must be interesting as game of diversion is being played. As far as the polemic is concerned, I would predict one with technical evidences would win but it still can end up in stalemate.A stalemate when cry for injustices can be heard everywhere in the country. Because that guy is a 'saint'. I beg to differ!

Playing chess is living your life.Because life is full of tricks and decoys.

'Look before you leap'

Friday, 18 July 2008


One day after previous post, somebody has come to fore and change the political journey of that guy in Wiki. Now it looks very brief and decent. No negative points whatsoever. Looks like somebody has heeded my view on Loh Gwo-Burne. Now who is to blame?Probably another conspiracy;).

Anwar vs Shabery

There were two winners in the debate. The first winner was Anwar and the second was not Shabery but the government. Anwar has not lost his touch in the slightest when it comes to debate. Articulation and mastery in language placed him in the different league than Shahbery. Regardless, Shabery must be applauded for his daring endeavour to challenge the former Deputy Prime Minister for a debate on national television. Hopefully, this debate will be the precedence for future debate among politicians. Anwar's thoughts and aspirations championed the people's wish be it plausible or not it does not matter. The remark "Populist" by Shabery on Anwar is also to be something for us to ponder upon. Is it popular to be the oppositions lately? Being opposition, a blogger can become a MP and an underdog could be a tiger any day so long it against the government. Speaking of which, it reminds of Loh Gwo Burne who rose to fame for exposing VK Lingam video. He is currently MP of Kelana Jaya and never expected to be shot to fame to the extent of being MP. His 'prolific' political career can be read here.Shame. Not to discredit him but I think he is happy enough to be what he was before. This is the price of emotional hatred towards the rulers. At the end Kelana Jaya has a very 'competent' MP. Back to the debate =P. Yes Anwar was the winner for his supporters and the government was the winner for its supporters. It all depends on your point of view. Where do you stand is where the basis of your opinion lies.

Daydreaming would make Johnny a lazy guy

Friday, 11 July 2008


7th July of 2008 was the most cherished day for 05/08 Geomatic students. It was our graduation day.The results came out last week but all is not complete without proper graduation ceremony. The eventful procession was done by one hour.Nothing fancy only shake hands and one thoughtful speech by the Uni Chancellor, Lord Patten. That day was overcast with drizzle intermittently. Nothing much to expect from British weather. Even summer would not help much. Arrived at uni at circa 11.00 with friends Boy and Am. I wish my family was here but the timing was wrong. They already went back last week. Had this graduation a week earlier , i'll be celebrating with my very own family as everybody would wish for. Nonetheless, they had been here to celebrate my degree result which came out on 23rd June. Fair enough. This historic event is not enough to be captured in mind. Definitely somebody needs to capture my pictures with the robe and the hood on. As the question goes 'What are friends for?'. My answer was to capture my pictures on my graduation day. Indeed they were great.This compliment only valid on that day!. The two friends armed with two digital compact relentlessly snapping pictures around. Besides , there were also professional photographers waiting to rip off your money. I finally succumbed to the temptation of having official photographs by those professionals. I spent almost 40 pounds for official photos. Plus another 40 the day after for official t-shirts and tie. Unwittingly bought silk tie.

More or less people were making loads of money on that day. The robe and the hood hire was perplexing 32 pounds. In retrospective, money actually can buy happiness. Of course money cannot buy happiness per se but it will lead us to happiness if we are grateful. In other words, live by our means. 'Make things happen' was the phrase by Lord Patten in his speech during the ceremony. It is quite meaningful and simple to comprehend. People seem to concern more on how to make things happen rather than make it happen. As a whole the graduation day is the ultimate day for every student in uni. No more lectures after this.Hopefully. No exam for a long period. Professional exam would not happen within two years I suppose. As one friend said, 'DONE AND DUSTED'.One another note, Diyana was dying to come here but all she could was wishing me all the best which I appreciated ever so much.

Nik Mohamad Haniff Hanafi
BSc (Hons) Surveying and Mapping
Newcastle '08

Wednesday, 2 July 2008


All praises due to God for the 2:1 result in my degree. Come to think of it, sacrifices of many things have been repaid. The value of the sacrifices though nothing compared to other people's sufferings. I may have to endure living far away from home but i am still able to sleep in quite warm and comfy room. I may have to live on scholarship but i am still able to shop for many unnecessary things. Sometimes we are too much into trivial problems when we should be thankful of where we are now. Gratitude is one word for us to hold on. Alhamdulilah. May the future will bring happiness and prosperity to all of us.