After a long break from blogging, I think it is the right time to write again. Waypoints are set of points used for navigation. As the name suggests, you wouldn’t get lost if you know your waypoints. You can either go back to your waypoint if you are lost or you can go to another waypoint using another waypoint.
It is quite interesting to relate waypoint with your life. You will soon arrive at a fork in the road which is as well can be your waypoint. You can only choose one and one to forgo. Definitely you can’t have both. Either way, you are not to be worried because you wouldn’t get lost. You can always comeback to your waypoint and march on to your final destination.
I have recently being offered to be PTD on 2 year contract basis. The offer is too good to let go. Not many were offered and I was one of the lucky few. At the same time I passed my professional exam which is as well too good to be ignored. Definitely you can’t have both ways. When it comes to stability and security, it must be PTD. Who would not want to be Pegawai Tadbir dan Diplomatik given the current economic situation. But being professional is the only way to total freedom later in life. As what Steven Covey said, ‘Begin with the end in mind’. What is the exit plan for a government servant?Either you resign at young age or wait till retirement age. Exit in between is risky business. In private sector, you can enter or leave at anytime because it is open market. Nevertheless, this sector is vulnerable to changes in economic environment. Hence many would opt for government jobs at this moment in time.
I have to choose only one. I have chosen to stay in private sector and build up my career there. After all PTD is just another name for Management Trainee in any big corporations. The difference is you work for the Government. Probably I am going to miss easy access to housing and car loan given to Government servants. Anyhow I have to take some risks to find my footing in unforgiving private sectors. Hopefully I have made the right decision and many people say ‘the higher the stake is the higher the return would be’. I hope this statement doesn’t drive me to uncalculated risk. I think I have calculated enough;).
PTD: My humble advice
At least I can give some advices for those who want to be PTD at any point in their life. At the exam stage you will be fine if you are good at Maths and English. I think level of Maths and IQ tests are comparable to Form 5 Modern Maths. The IQ questions seemed to focus more on ratio and logic. As for General Knowledge paper, current news and history of Malaysia are something to focus on. English paper is where you can impress with your writing. I believe there is certain weightage between papers. So I can only advice to do your best in Maths and English papers.
Then come the second stage called PAC(Programme Assessment Centre). Here, ‘Speak up’ is the best policy. Try your best to get into discussion in English. Be the first to talk. This is my way to reduce nervousness. Then you will be automatically tuned into the discussion. As for Malay debate, have some good ideas and you are fine. The English discussion is to assess your language where you idea and knowledge come in second. But Malay debate is the opposite; they want to see your idea and knowledge first before your language. However don’t overdo things and wait for your turn. Trying too hard to impress is something to be avoided. Lastly the fitness test; jog 10 minutes a day about 1 week before going to this assessment will help you a lot.
The last stage is the interview. My only advice is to have an objective why do you want to be a PTD. They will keep questioning the same thing only in different sentences. Other than that, most questions are random. Keep your composure and be matured in answering questions. I think that is all from me. But remember one thing that luck is another factor or rezeki you want to call it. I am just lucky to get through in my first try. You can plan but god always has better plan than you do. In a nutshell, effort is a must but you don’t always get what you want in life. That’s life isn’t it?
Michelin Primacy 5 in Malaysia – claimed longer wear mileage, better wet
braking, lower rolling resistance
Michelin has launched the Primacy 5 tyre for the Malaysian market,
succeeding the Primacy 4 and in comparison with rival premium brands,
brings up to 24%...
9 hours ago
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