Thursday, 31 December 2009

Welcome to 2010

Bye-bye 2009

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Penyokong Kelantan

Apa yang ditunjukkan di TV semasa final.Itulah juga sikap mereka dalam berpolitik.Bukan semua tetapi ia ramai.Mungkin sikap orang yang berjiwa menentang yang sentiasa melawan arus.Fanatik adalah satu perkataan yang tepat untuk mereka.Sebagai orang Kelantan sendiri sikap begini sangatlah memalukan untuk negeri yang mahu dikenali sebagai Serambi Mekah dan Bandaraya Islam. Keislaman yang dicari adalah satu impian kosong barangkali.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Waypoint & PTD

After a long break from blogging, I think it is the right time to write again. Waypoints are set of points used for navigation. As the name suggests, you wouldn’t get lost if you know your waypoints. You can either go back to your waypoint if you are lost or you can go to another waypoint using another waypoint.

It is quite interesting to relate waypoint with your life. You will soon arrive at a fork in the road which is as well can be your waypoint. You can only choose one and one to forgo. Definitely you can’t have both. Either way, you are not to be worried because you wouldn’t get lost. You can always comeback to your waypoint and march on to your final destination.

I have recently being offered to be PTD on 2 year contract basis. The offer is too good to let go. Not many were offered and I was one of the lucky few. At the same time I passed my professional exam which is as well too good to be ignored. Definitely you can’t have both ways. When it comes to stability and security, it must be PTD. Who would not want to be Pegawai Tadbir dan Diplomatik given the current economic situation. But being professional is the only way to total freedom later in life. As what Steven Covey said, ‘Begin with the end in mind’. What is the exit plan for a government servant?Either you resign at young age or wait till retirement age. Exit in between is risky business. In private sector, you can enter or leave at anytime because it is open market. Nevertheless, this sector is vulnerable to changes in economic environment. Hence many would opt for government jobs at this moment in time.

I have to choose only one. I have chosen to stay in private sector and build up my career there. After all PTD is just another name for Management Trainee in any big corporations. The difference is you work for the Government. Probably I am going to miss easy access to housing and car loan given to Government servants. Anyhow I have to take some risks to find my footing in unforgiving private sectors. Hopefully I have made the right decision and many people say ‘the higher the stake is the higher the return would be’. I hope this statement doesn’t drive me to uncalculated risk. I think I have calculated enough;).

PTD: My humble advice

At least I can give some advices for those who want to be PTD at any point in their life. At the exam stage you will be fine if you are good at Maths and English. I think level of Maths and IQ tests are comparable to Form 5 Modern Maths. The IQ questions seemed to focus more on ratio and logic. As for General Knowledge paper, current news and history of Malaysia are something to focus on. English paper is where you can impress with your writing. I believe there is certain weightage between papers. So I can only advice to do your best in Maths and English papers.

Then come the second stage called PAC(Programme Assessment Centre). Here, ‘Speak up’ is the best policy. Try your best to get into discussion in English. Be the first to talk. This is my way to reduce nervousness. Then you will be automatically tuned into the discussion. As for Malay debate, have some good ideas and you are fine. The English discussion is to assess your language where you idea and knowledge come in second. But Malay debate is the opposite; they want to see your idea and knowledge first before your language. However don’t overdo things and wait for your turn. Trying too hard to impress is something to be avoided. Lastly the fitness test; jog 10 minutes a day about 1 week before going to this assessment will help you a lot.

The last stage is the interview. My only advice is to have an objective why do you want to be a PTD. They will keep questioning the same thing only in different sentences. Other than that, most questions are random. Keep your composure and be matured in answering questions. I think that is all from me. But remember one thing that luck is another factor or rezeki you want to call it. I am just lucky to get through in my first try. You can plan but god always has better plan than you do. In a nutshell, effort is a must but you don’t always get what you want in life. That’s life isn’t it?

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin

Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin to all. The last month has been a good one.Truly a blessed month because in this very month i was called up for an interview and received the result for my exam.I was very grateful and happy.Thank god.I hope everyone will enjoy their 1st. Syawal with graciousness and happiness.

Monday, 24 August 2009


It has been three days of fasting.This month always a month to be remembered. The vibe and its atmosphere have given me the sense of fulfillment. Probably I am just full after breaking fast. Happy Ramadhan everyone.

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

ISA Demonstration

What good does a demonstration would bring other than traffic jams and chaos?I dont agree with abolishing ISA or fully supporting current ISA either. Amending ISA is the way forward whereas abolishing it would be a step backward. Patriot Act 2001 of USA, Terrorism Act 2000 of UK and ISA of Singapore are the testimonies of how significant these laws are in this era.The main issue in Malaysia is the so called abuse of ISA.It is not the law who creates injustice but people do. Freedom means to let people do what they ought to do but not what they want to do. Freedom is just an illusion for it only lets you do what you ought to do as things you may do are wrong at given locations. Wearing baggy pants is wrong in a state in US, smoking pot is fine in Amsterdam and driving car in Saudi Arabia is illegal if you are a woman. In a nutshell, respect the LAW and you will be fine anywhere in the world.

As i see it, the demonstration is mainly to add political mileage of certain parties.Sincerity? I doubt it.

On another note, Alhamdulilah i passed the PAC for PTD.Interview is the final hurdle.

Sunday, 19 July 2009


It is getting interesting now.It seems to me Pakatan Rakyat has become Pakatan DAP. All DAP's affair. Now vigil is not uncommon anymore.So much so the muslim Malay will follow suit the vigil to respect their friends in fighting tyranny and evil BN. BN will always the bad guy in their movies. Politic is for you to hate somebody and be cynical in everything depending where your view point is.This is as far as Malaysian politic is concerned.On another note MACC must be held accountable for the loss of one human being in their building. Slamming the government is none other than adding extra political mileage for the oppositions. Public inquiry is the most viable but Royal Comission will set the record straight.

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

PPSMI dimansuhkan sepenuhnya 2012

So what now people?Another mistake by the Government?Hopefully this issue is no more to be politicized. A Samad Said can sleep well now.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

DAP pulls out of Kedah gov.

Now as predicted a coalition party who has no common manifesto, unclear objectives, holier than thou sort of leaders, and of course a lot of muppets will crumble easily.Kudos for PAS Kedah anyway for stern action on the pig abattoir.A party that is bolder than UMNO when it comes to a fork in the road whether to choose popularity or responsibility.Not so much when it comes to UNITY though.Too bad.

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

The Malaysian Insider

If you would like to know the vendetta of non-bumi to bumi please feel free to go to The Malaysian Insider.Just pick any topic that relates to BN, NEP, Bumiputra, Scholarship and so on..Read the comments and be your own judge.Think holistically.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009


Malaysian politic has fascinated me in many ways one of them is how divided the malays are in the midst of victory of PR and the misery of BN. All is not lost for BN and PR is not the true winner either. PR has inculcated cynical minded society who would slate the government no matter good a decision or a concept is. Can we just get along and bring this country into a better future. Politic of hatred is everywhere. You would hate a person because he happened to be contradict to your political view. I dont know which side started it first but for all i know the BN is always on defensive mode. The root cause of the problem is of course race politic. The non-bumi is never at ease as long as the title of non-bumi attached to them. The non-bumi was the decisive factor in the last election. It was total destruction for MCA,MIC and Gerakan but not really for UMNO which has the highest seats number per party in parliament. Yes umno is tainted with corruption but it is not beyond repair. The existence of PR is merely to crush BN which they almost did. The aftermath has shown how power would change individuals to become arrogant not to choose unity over power. The strong point of PR for non-malay to vote for them is their aim to bring fairness among all races which understandably to abolish the malay privileges. I would agree of such agenda if the non-malay willingly to abolish vernacular school and embrace indigenous culture like what you do when you are in UK or Australia.Apparently there is no indian or pakistani school there. It is disheartening when the third generation of their immigrant forefathers could not even speak proper malay. Or worse could not converse at all in Malay.Maybe it is too low standard to fraternize with the Malays or speak Malay. I am at all not a racist but i become one when somebody starts first. The other day somebody being racist so now i become one;)

Monday, 18 May 2009

BN not contesting

A wise decision.Indeed.

Friday, 8 May 2009

The Perak Fiasco

The art of perception is at best in Perak. PR is regarded as the hero and BN as the 'all bad words you can throw in'. If ADUN BN joins PR, he is hailed as hero but if you do the opposite, it is no other words but all the bad words. I say to myself if you 'sincerely' want to contribute to the society do stay way from politics be it PR or BN. If you are too sincere you will not go far and end up being at the bottom.You will feel betrayed and oppressed and then you become the dissident in your own party. This cycle will go on be it in PR or BN. Nobody is a saint/ulamak/pemikir/bijaksana in politic. You are what people see in you. So you need to become hypocrite sometimes so long it is what you want people to see in you. There is no certain bodies to recognize you as saint/ulamak/pemikir/bijaksana but the people will. At the end of days, does politic train you to become hypocrite?So that you look good and heroic in front of the masses.

Friday, 1 May 2009


I find it amusing amid confusion as far as Malaysian politic is concerned. The slandering , allegations and what not come falling upon everyone like endless monsoon in the east coast. I have come to realization that there are only two factions in Malaysia, Pakatan and Perikatan (now Barisan Nasional)which bears the same principles since independence.What an enlightenment!. After political tsunami in 2008, i have mixed feeling on the result. Quite indifferent in a way because there are advantages and disadvantages. The good thing about losing is about self-realization of how bad people disapprove certain decisions and actions by the government.Now we can see some changes are on the way when people have the power to decide on many issues.

The negative side of winning is too many incompetent leaders around when winning is not decided by critical thinking and good justification. Winning means more lies, conspiracy,accusations you name it.I had seen many good leaders crumbled in the wake of new era so called CHANGE. Is it true that PR is driving the 4 states to change?.
Yes and no. And the end of the day , they interested more in public stunts rather than sit down and doing wakil rakyat job. Resignation after resignation followed by Pilihan Raya Kecil. Ultimately people is in the losing side. It is the time for PR to work but not to show off if they really mean by their slogan 'vote for change'.

The decisive factor of winning now is in the non-malay votes. Both BN and PR work hard towards pacifying and accommodating those guys. But what malays could gain from that. Yes integration and racial harmony. What about economy and political power?. You have the answer. Vote wisely.

Friday, 17 April 2009

PTD Exam Result

After a long break from blogging, i feel like writing again probably because of my excitement on passing the PTD Exam which i took in February. Everybody is happy with the result after i googled 'PTD Exam' or 'PTD Exam Result'. All the happiness is translated into virtual world of blogging. The way i see my performance in the exam is more towards benchmarking my ability to take any exam after 10 months leaving the university. Alhamdulilah, it turns out my brain is still working properly after so many things to achieve this year.

Exam is the last option for you to take after leaving university. But you can't help it because exam is the most important tool even in your career.Be it with government or private sectors. The infamous PTK is always there in the government system. As for private, exam is the gauge for you to pursue professionalism in your field. In another words, you've got to pass any exam organized by board of professional bodies i.e Board of Engineers, Architects or Surveyors. I am taking one professional exam next month which is very important to my progress on becoming a registered professional. That's the main goal in life, to be independent and being able to practise your skills under approval of the laws in Malaysia

It is wonderful to be PTD, having cool title and all the perks. After all, we are all end up being wage earners. I had met great people during PTD exam, executives, lawyers and engineers. Most of them are quite stable already but probably because of job's security and title, they dare to take up new path in life.Good luck to them.

I am for now want to pass my professional exam in the first attempt then I will be the happiest person in the world.

Nothing comes easy in life

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Up and running

I built my own computer at last. Thanks to the internet. You can virtually get any manual from it.

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Comments on political turmoil in Perak

1. Pakatan rakyat should be dismantled. They are what we called 'Mariage of Convenience'. The ideology between parties are very much contradictory. DAP in million years would not accept PAS agenda to create a so called 'Islamic state'.Are we not now a muslim country?. Besides, PKR has now lost its touch after the had achieved what they wanted to achieve. Power. Overwhelmed with greed , they want the power even more.Creating 16th September of fantasy.

2. MB is not chosen by Rakyat but the prerogative of Sultan ultimately. Yes 'wakil rakyat' is chosen by Rakyat. Dato' Seri Nizar was chosen by the Sultan but the truth is DAP has the majority, DAP should have been the MB then if you put aside Sultan prerogative and Undang-Undang Tubuh Perak.

3. Oppositions should exist regardless. DAP represents ultra-chinese. PKR for those who want medium approach. Pas for Islamic agenda. UMNO is pound for pound with the DAP . MIC,MCA and Gerakan for those who want to behold multiculturalism and live with current constitution. Communal politic is there to stay in Malaysia.

4. As cliche as it sounds, BN should do loads of reform.BN for now is the most competent to lead the country. Maybe not in next election. We never know.

5. All the above is my 2 cents. Do not be overzealous in political party frictions. Read history books of where were we before 1969. You may see the light.

Sunday, 1 February 2009


I've installed PSU, DVD-RW and extra chassis fan in the lower front panel. There is still a lot of things to come but not without trouble. I can assure of that as this is my first build.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

A project

Been dreaming to build my own computer for a long time.This project has finally begun with the purchase of a Cooler Master Elite 330. Now i still got a list of items to buy and more money to throw in. The target is to get a decent system for RM1500 and less.

This is the first step to translate my dream into reality ;P

Monday, 26 January 2009


After a while i feel like writing again.But i am not sure what to write as life is full of issues and i am not a person who keeps a diary. Problems may come and go. All you can do is sit back and enjoy your TV.

Now am focusing on passing my Land Law exam due in May. Passing rate is always low as to limit people to get into surveying profession. One is to maintain the standard of the profession and the second one is to maintain distribution of income among professional surveyors. The lesser surveyors the bigger the portion of jobs you would get. A cake that you do not want to share with many people. So far this profession remains unpopular among others. Hardly you hear people want to be land surveyor. At most you will hear people want to be quantity surveyor which is a world apart from land surveyor.

This is what i am doing now:

Thursday, 8 January 2009


Israel b**t*rd.Need to explain more?