I would like to wish Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin to whoever stumbles upon this blog. I would like to keep this blog going though it is quite hard in keeping it up to date. 'Hard' means 'i am lazy' to be precise. I can spend loads of time on the internet in student years. Now life is mostly occupied by other things. No more free time when you can sit and relax only to expect one or two hours of class the next day. Things can be complicated in the early of your career when many things to be learnt in order to climb up the career ladder. You've got to start somewhere that's the fact of life.
On another thing, i am pretty much furious with the traffic jam at my place only to be worsen with the attitude of our drivers. Third class mentality is there regardless of the size of your car and education level. Qualification does not equal to WISDOM. I never respect somebody until he or she shows 'sign' of respect to others.
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