"The only conqueror is God"
Muslim nowadays has become one entity to be reckoned with. But the attention and concern is all not in goodwill but brimming with fear and hatred. The incidents for the past 10 years and so have created new political terrains in many countries particularly in those significantly affected countries like the USA, UK and Spain. The sentiments of anti-Islam are so conspicuous yet sometimes they exist in subtle way for us to grasp. On the other side of the world, the Muslims are calling for unity to fight evils (understandably the USA and allies). The message of hatred is prevalent in the religion overwhelming the message of peace, prosperity and unity. The religion is itself has become the platform for inciting hatred and even advocating inconceivable deeds so long it is in the name of GOD.
As a Muslim myself, I think we have gone downhill since the collapse of the last Islamic Empire in Spain. It is all down to our mistake not being able to learn from the past of how Islam had spread all over the world and how it had failed to sustain. I believe that our intention is not collective as the past which set us in different league from them. The spread of Islam is first and foremost to spread peace and to guide people to the right path. However, the amount time spent for akhirat(hereafter) rewards did not hinder them to reach the peak of civilization. The invention of many things would lead us to think that there would be no renaissance in Europe if it was not for Muslim empire in Spain. The chemistry, astronomy, mathematic, physics, architectures and many more prospered and cherished in their time. Many intellectuals like Ibnu Rushd(Aveross), Al-Biruni, Al-Battani(Albatenius), Al-khwarizmi, Jabir Ibnu Hayyan (Geber) were born and became the pioneer in their fields. Do we still not see how this religion can inspire human beings to achieve victory in the world and hereafter? I think, many of us would see this but unable to put this into practice. All we see is the jihad without knowing the essence of it.
The misconception of Jihad is inundating in the Muslim world. The first thing that would strike us probably is that jihad is to pick up our weapon and fight the tyranny and evilness. This notion then leads us to unnecessary hatred and blind judgement to other people. The spirit of Jihad is undeniable the source of strength when the Muslims can be brought together to work for common goals. Though I can explain what actually jihad is but I stand corrected for maybe I am deviating a bit from the general consensus of many of us. The jihad itself is derived from Arabic meaning “struggle” and “strive”. The call for jihad is heard almost in every Muslim walk of life since the birth of the religion. Unfortunately, it is used to justify the killing of innocent people. The event such as New York 9/11, London 7/7 and Madrid bombing would not help us in the slightest to regain our strength and reputation. Yes, it is true that our brothers and sisters have been oppressed in many regions but aggression is not the main answer to all these tests from God. Islam forbids any aggression let alone killing a helpless innocent people.
"Fight in the way of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! God loves not aggressors." (2:190).
This verse is the proof that aggression is never inculcated in this religion and even at war, Muslims soldiers has to follow strict codes and ethics.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "Do not kill women or children or non-combatants and do not kill old people or religious people (referring to people in any religion). Do not cut down fruit-bearing trees and do not poison the wells of your enemies."
This is enough for us to believe this religion is always searching for peacefulness all along. However, the damages had been done and it is our turn to win the confidence of the people towards Islam. This could be done by doing ‘jihad’. One of my religious teacher said everything is jihad as long as you are doing it for the sake of the religion. That is the JIHAD we are looking for and should be held high in our life. The jihad to improve our standard of living, to gain higher education, to improve our economy and to find cure for diseases are the ‘struggle’ that we can do for the sake of the religion. It may sound worldly to some but ultimately the Muslims would prosper and become advance in many aspects be it military or even farming. This is the idealism that we should ‘strive’ for rather than getting carried away emotionally. Let us be calm and let the Quran and Hadith be our guidance. Sometimes, it is hard for us to bear the negative portrayal of the Muslims in media but patient is the key to become a true Muslim. I may not at all a pious person but I love this religion as I always have the feeling that I am going to be safe in this world and hereafter with this peaceful religion.
I do not need to go far from my country to show the effect of disunity among Muslims. The existence of political parties disbanded the Muslims into a few different groups. Then slandering is thriving in the community. Even at times people cannot congregate to pray for having different views. Some may dub themselves as last line of defence of Islam but who they are defending against ironically are the Muslims as well. Amid confusion to find the righteous, I do respect for those who are sincere in their struggle to put Islam above anything else. However, the ‘struggle’ will not succeed if we still view the religion in a small picture. Indeed the religion is syumul or complete that covers all aspects of life. If we regard this in our endeavour maybe another rise of Islam is no more a dream.
In short, this piece of writing reflects my view on jihad and its misconception. It is my intention to remind myself about the importance of unity and patient in our life. We have to work hard because this beautiful religion is always misunderstood. This reminded me of a lecture that I did not attend, Islam: The Misunderstood Religion.
Jihad = struggle = strive