Tuesday, 18 March 2008

PRU 12

The setback suffered by BN is a blessing for the party. The complacency after 50 years in power has finally banished and everybody seems to be apprehensive of what the future lies ahead for the party. The relevance of BN existence is deemed questionable by the many. Many have regarded that the election debacle is not solely down to the influence of the oppositions but inability of the current government to appease the demand of the people. In a nutshell, a government's popularity comes from a satisfied majority. Unfortunately, the majority voice remain unheeded and the oppositions are the only hope for them. As a result, 5 states are in their control. I believe the BN is still relevant and only that a major reform has to take place to replace current way of governing. Indeed, Malaysia has been a better country since 50 years ago but the blessings are not equally shared among the people. There is still people who lives on RM300 per month when the other side of the country people is having RM300 per meal.

In my perspective, the inequality remains a great issue in this country to say the least.The impact of inequality is colossal in term of winning the hearts and minds of the people. With all mega projects, the government aspires to see more employments, increase in FDI and ultimately to boost the economy of the country. To certain extent, this approach is no longer relevant when poverty is still in existence in this country. It is now the time when the government has to start to eradicate poverty completely in this country. Although it may sound ideal but this is what we should strive for in many years to come.

Standard of living most of the times reflects the standard of education of a family. With this notion in mind, by reducing poverty we could create more educated people in this country. Living in poverty would reduce the chances to get better education as tuition fees and books would cost a fortune for them. At the end of the day, they are trapped in the vicious circle. Son of a hawker would be forever a hawker. Not to condescend anybody but this is what we have to admit and address before we can be proud of the tallest tower,the longest bridge and what not. On another note, an educated person is not easily susceptible to baseless statements and tasteless slandering. Therefore, everybody has to work hard to win people's confidence and of course their votes. Now the democracy is at its best in Malaysia.It is a hard work and it should be that way all the time. Hopefully Malaysia will be a better country in next five years.

Saturday, 15 March 2008

Hi there

This is the first post after a long time contemplating to start a blog of my own. I aspire to update this blog regularly and try to make it as simple as possible. It will be a platform for me to share ideas and thoughts that encompass whole range of things in the universe. Regardless how blunt and bad taste a thought is, it is just my two cents for the people to appreciate the freedom of speech so long i do not go beyond my very own line.Not your line. Thereby, my line will be subjected to any change at any time and place. Freedom of speech is but an ILLUSION.